Sunday, June 08, 2008
City Council Recap, May 27, 2008
There may be some new parking at 32nd and Harlem in the future. Would be a City lot on the north side, diagonal, and parallel parking in a cutout of the parkway on the southside. Would really open up the street for traffic to move.
The Finance Department was approved for a new computer software system. This now brings Berwyn into the 21st Century.
A new comprehensive sign ordinance is now on the books. Again, should bring our signage into the 21st century.
Berwyn is now also in the 21st century concerning discrimination. You can not discriminate against a person's sexual orientation. In the 1990's this was a controversial subject. At the meeting, the Community Relations Ordinance adding "sexual orientation" passed unanimously. There was one person in the audience who passed around a statement indicating why amending the ordinance was not the right thing to do. This person was my republican opponent in the last election.
Out of 51 items on the agenda, the above made it into the recap.