Monday, May 26, 2008
City Council Recap, May 13, 2008
This was the worst meeting in my 3 years as and Alderman. One resident, before being asked to leave, left on her own. And, one Alderman, before being asked to leave, left on his own.
3/4 of the meeting was done; going well, then pandemonium.
Pandemonium over what? Grievances by police officers. With the next election 11 months away, things are getting out of hand.
The City keeps on giving out money from our TIF monies. The Alderpeople approved $12,000.00 to an automotive place at 6545 Stanley. I voted against. I believe that the auto place should be away from the Depot district.
Then, we are giving $135,000.00 to a dentist on Cermak. It will be a good-looking office, but again, I voted against.
The City Council did vote on a new redevelopment agreement for the corner of Roosevelt and East. Rather than retail and condos, it will now be retail and apartments. The apartments will ultimately be converted to condos. With today's market, this was the way for the developer to get the project done. The City will have a say as to what the retail will be.
With the no smoking ordinance, there has been a drastic increase in "butt" litter. Consequently, we are looking at some type of ordinance. Would be nice if businesses in Berwyn picked up trash in front of their businesses, but, we all know, this is not happening. So, we will force the businesses to keep their businesses clean. Silly, I know, but it would be nice to have cleaner places.
Which leads into the next item. A "Think Green" campaign will be going forward for the City.
Every May, the Mayor must appoint or re-appoint City Department Heads. This year, the majority were approved, although a few Alderpeople voted "present". The ones who were not approved may need ordinances for their positions. Bottom line, the current Department Heads shall remain.
At the next meeting, we should be voting on a new Finance Director. Hopefully, he will be as good as our last Finance Director. I hope he works out. I do approve of him.
In recognition of National Education Month, the City had an "Education" resolution.
The Berwyn Regional Housing Center's contract was approved for 2008.
The Public Works contract was approved by the Alderpeople. It had been previously approved by the Union. This contract only took two plus years.(Sarcasm)
The Berywn Historic Preservation Commission is sending the State a Certified Local Government Application, which will help the Commission become more recognized.
New residents now have thirty days to buy a vehicle sticker rather than sixty days.
There will be a cell tower at the new 16th Street Fire Station, of which the City will get a monthly stipend from a cell-provider.
The Community Relations Ordinance is being sent to the Law Department to add "sexual orientation" to the ordinance and to update it for the 21st Century.
That is all. Or not.