Monday, May 12, 2008
All Berwyn Committee Meeting, 5-15-08
State of the City Address
Mayor Michael O’Connor will deliver his third annual ‘State of Our City” address at the 7 p.m. Thursday, May 15, 2008 meeting of the All Berwyn Committee in Berwyn City Hall, 6700 W. 26th St.
“The A.B.C. is pleased to host this annual report to the citizens of Berwyn on the progress of their city,” said President Susan Anderson. “This year we are especially fortunate to have Police Superintendent William Kushner and new Fire Chief Denis O’Halloran join in the presentation at the invitation of the Mayor.”
Since the A.B.C.’s 2007-08 season concludes with the May 15 meeting, Anderson said the Mayor will install officers for the coming year. The program also will include a membership appreciation celebration.