Thursday, February 28, 2008
Two Future Events
Please join us at our open house for Berwyn Main Street(Cermak Road)!
James & Williams Jewelers is the gracious host for the evening.
7020 West Cermak Road, Berwyn
Thursday, March 6, 5:30pm-7:30pm
RSVP to our Berwyn Main Street's office (708) 484-8000
What’s happening with Main Street?
It is off to a great start with four committees making plans and tacking projects.
It is currently reviewing all sign and storefront improvement projects for Cermak Road – encouraging a higher design standard and attention to historic preservation issues.
Four requests for free architectural design services are in the works
Berwyn Main Street is very interested in learning of your vision for Cermak Road. Please drop by the reception and also contact the Director to schedule a meeting where you can dig in and do some brainstorming. Evenings and weekends are open. This is a critical time for Cermak Road and for the Berwyn Main Street Program. It is heading towards an exciting revival of this very important business corridor.
The Great American Mutt Show
The Berwyn Development Corporation & the Brookfield Zoo are partnering together to invite you to the underwater dolphin viewing room for a launch celebration of the Chicagoland Great American Mutt Show!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
RSVP required by 03-07-08. Call the BDC for more info at 708-788-8100
Brookfield Zoo (Dolphin underwater viewing room)
3300 Golf Rd
Brookfield, IL 60513
Enter through “South Gate.” Shuttle buses will be available continually to transport you to the event.
$15.00 per person. Entry fee includes hors d’oeuvres, desserts and one complimentary drink ticket.
Also includes one raffle ticket. Cash bar will also be available.
RAFFLE PRIZES: 1st prize -- family membership to the Zoo and t-shirts.
2nd prize -- free admission to the mutt show, a ball toss with dock dogs and t-shirts.
3rd prize -- family admission to the Mutt Show and t-shirts.