Berwyn's Arts Blog
Monday, February 11, 2008
3rd Ward Wishlist
As part of this year's budget, every Ward is getting some money for capital improvements, such as beautification, alley improvement, speed humps, etc.

I know of three such items that are on the wishlist, but seek input from you, the residents.

If you desire a better alley, speed humps, or anything else you can think of, please write me, and be very specific.

I certainly will not guarantee that your project will get done, but need to know what you would like done.

You can simply reply to this to send me an email.

23rd street is one-way heading west. Scoville is one-way heading south. There is no stop sign at this intersection for either street. I head south on Scoville to go home everyday, and I always stop because I know that no one else will. Please prevent accidents and put a stop sign somewhere at the corner of 23rd and Scoville.
3200 Block of Maple West Side from 3200 to Stanley need of alley and speed bumps. PLease Please Please
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