Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Two Future Events
Please join us at our open house for Berwyn Main Street(Cermak Road)!
James & Williams Jewelers is the gracious host for the evening.
7020 West Cermak Road, Berwyn
Thursday, March 6, 5:30pm-7:30pm
RSVP to our Berwyn Main Street's office (708) 484-8000
What’s happening with Main Street?
It is off to a great start with four committees making plans and tacking projects.
It is currently reviewing all sign and storefront improvement projects for Cermak Road – encouraging a higher design standard and attention to historic preservation issues.
Four requests for free architectural design services are in the works
Berwyn Main Street is very interested in learning of your vision for Cermak Road. Please drop by the reception and also contact the Director to schedule a meeting where you can dig in and do some brainstorming. Evenings and weekends are open. This is a critical time for Cermak Road and for the Berwyn Main Street Program. It is heading towards an exciting revival of this very important business corridor.
The Great American Mutt Show
The Berwyn Development Corporation & the Brookfield Zoo are partnering together to invite you to the underwater dolphin viewing room for a launch celebration of the Chicagoland Great American Mutt Show!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
RSVP required by 03-07-08. Call the BDC for more info at 708-788-8100
Brookfield Zoo (Dolphin underwater viewing room)
3300 Golf Rd
Brookfield, IL 60513
Enter through “South Gate.” Shuttle buses will be available continually to transport you to the event.
$15.00 per person. Entry fee includes hors d’oeuvres, desserts and one complimentary drink ticket.
Also includes one raffle ticket. Cash bar will also be available.
RAFFLE PRIZES: 1st prize -- family membership to the Zoo and t-shirts.
2nd prize -- free admission to the mutt show, a ball toss with dock dogs and t-shirts.
3rd prize -- family admission to the Mutt Show and t-shirts.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Berwyn After Hours, 2-28-08
Thursday, February 28, 2008.
Place: Tapas Bar La Española, 6543 W. Cermak Rd. Berwyn, IL.
Time: 5pm – 7pm
Join the Berwyn Development Corporation at Tapas Bar La Espanola as we host our 1st BDC Berwyn After Hours of the 2008 season.
Come out and enjoy networking and socializing with BDC members, Berwyn business owners, elected officials and residents. A cash bar and appetizers will be served.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wine Tasting Dinner, La Notte
Wine tasting dinner at La Notte, Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 6:30 pm. $55.00 per person.
Special appearance by my friend Kara Kesselring, pianist/singer.
See you, or not.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
City Council Recap, 2-12-08
The budget was passed. The Mayor had to break the tie. Alderperson 1, 2, 6 and 7 voted against the budget.
As f March 12, 2008, Dennis O'Halloran will be the new Fire Chief.
Since our City Attorney resigned, the Mayor appointed Odelson and Sterk to be the new City Attorneys. Five people voted for the appointment. Alderperson one voted present. Six and eight voted against.
A new street sweeper was approved for purchase. Also, two new plows(not trucks) were approved for purchase.
And, the superblock redevelopment agreement was approved by a unanimous vote. So, hopefully, the corner of Oak Park and Cermak will see some new happenings soon.
Out of the 38 items submitted, the above is the most significant.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Berwyn Cultural Center, Saturday, Feb. 23, 2008
Berwyn Cultural Center, 6420 W. 16th Street, celebrates African American History Month
February 23, 2008
Fun, food, exhibit, multi-media presentations and live performances from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Lunch Ethiopian & Senegalese Food Tasting from noon to l pm
Ethiopian Orthodox Church Choir from 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Presentation by Rastafarian Elder Brother Gabriel from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Those are just three of the highlights.
Check it out, or not.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Mummies are coming,the Mummies are coming!!!
The All Berwyn Committee has partnered with the Berwyn Developement Corporation to host a presentation, tomorrow evening 7:00 at Berwyn City Hall.
Cristine Saldano is the official spokesperson for the travelingexhibit of the Museum of the Mummies Guanajuato, Mexico, and will be giving the presenation. This is the first time this exhibit has traveled outside of Mexico and will be in Cicero from June until November 1st.
They are expecting a million people to visit this exhibit so it really could be a big deal not just money wise but culturaly as well.........thought you'd like to know.....or not.
Monday, February 11, 2008
3rd Ward Wishlist
As part of this year's budget, every Ward is getting some money for capital improvements, such as beautification, alley improvement, speed humps, etc.
I know of three such items that are on the wishlist, but seek input from you, the residents.
If you desire a better alley, speed humps, or anything else you can think of, please write me, and be very specific.
I certainly will not guarantee that your project will get done, but need to know what you would like done.
You can simply reply to this to send me an email.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Saturday, Library, February 9, 2008, 2 pm
Join author Doug Deuchler and Berwyn's own Frank Magellon who will discusss "Berwyn" a book about Berwyn and full of old photos of Berwyn's past.
I am sure Doug will have extra copies of the book and will sign them for you.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Transit Oriented Development Study, Saturday, 2-9-08
The Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC), in conjunction with the Town Builder Studios Team, invites you to a public visioning workshop to discuss the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) study for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and Metra rail corridor (including the Depot District).
RSVP to Sara Bratcher or Kurtis Pozsgay at the Berwyn Development Corporation: (708) 788-8100.
At the workshop, you will be able to...
• Receive an Overview of the Project
• Hear a Presentation of Data Collected and Analyzed
• Participate in a Question and Answer Session
• Take Part in a Visual Preference Survey
• Take a Walking Tour of the Study Area
Transit Oriented Development Study Workshop
Saturday, February 9, 2008 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The Workshop will be held at:
Berwyn Police Station Community Room,
6401 West 31st Street
berwyn development
w w w . b e r w y n . n e t
w w w. t o w n b u i l d e r s t u d i o s . c o m
Notice of Public Meeting February 9, 2008 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at Berwyn Police Station Community Room
6401 West 31st St. Berwyn, IL
The Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC), in conjunction with the Town Builder Studios Team, based in Riverside, IL will be hosting a public visioning workshop to discuss the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) study for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) and Metra rail corridor (including the Depot District).
This workshop aims to inform the public on the various aspects of the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) study. The City of Berwyn, IL and the Berwyn Development Corporation have hired the Town Builder Studios Team to complete the TOD study for an area that includes the South Berwyn Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district, also known as the Depot District. The meeting will include a presentation of data
gathered to date, interactive discussions to solicit goals for the Study Area, and a visual preference survey (VPS).
The VPS is a focused tool for learning and recording the public’s “likes” and “dislikes” regarding the community’s preferred aesthetic and visual character. The workshop will include illustrated/pictorial survey that allows participants to evaluate and quantify preferences regarding physical amenities, architectural
character, building scale and massing, parking, streetscape and alley improvements, lighting, signage,landscape, and new construction standards and styles. The participants will be encouraged to record their preferred aesthetic for existing and proposed developments including commercial, residential, open space,
transit, and streetscape, which help guide the development of concept development plans for the area in the coming months.
Any questions or comments should be directed to Sara Bratcher at the Berwyn Development Corporation:
(708) 788-8100.
Public Meeting Agenda
Morning Session - 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
§ Overview of Project Scope
§ Presentation of Data Collected and Analyzed
§ Question and Answer Session
§ Visual Preference Survey
Walking Tour - 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.