Sunday, December 16, 2007
City Council Recap, 11-27-07 and 12-11-07
Interesting happenings these past two meetings.
The BDC's 2008 budget was approved.
We also have another agreement with the BDC through December 31, 2009.
Homescape Bath and Kitchen Design will be at 6823 W. Roosevelt.
The new firehouse on 16h Street to be constructed is going out for bids.
The 2006 audit is complete. The city is up to date for its audits.
The 6th Ward Alderperson managed to have the council pass an ordinance that may pay for his defense in a lawsuit that has nothing to do with being an Alderperson. Why anyone wanted to pass this is beyond me.
Ogden Avenue will be getting a bunch of signs attached to light poles.
There is a new position being created that will have someone right under the Mayor who will do the day to day details in running a City. Much has been written by the press about this position. More to come in the future.
There currently is a tax levy that would raise property taxes 5%. It seems most are for the increase, but how it will be spent is where everyone has a different opinion, which means the raise may not pass, which means, the city will be very short money.
That is it for now. The last City Council meeting of the year is Tuesday, December 18, 2007.