Saturday, September 15, 2007
Raildorad/Police Meeting, Monday, Sep. 17, 2007
As those that live near the CN tracks between Oak Park and Maple know, the railroad has begun to idle its trains more and more, for many, many hours at a time. Besides the noise, there are nasty fumes being spewed into the air.
I urge anyone and everyone to go to the police station on Monday. Please see the Chief's email below. If you can miss work, please do it.
The lawyer from CN will be in the police station at 2PM on Monday, September 17th to discuss with the Chief the tickets for the trains. The Chief strongly encourages you to rally your neighbors to come into this meeting in order to put a face on the problem, and to let the lawyers know just what the concerns are. I have reserved the Community room for the meeting, and hope that enough neighbors and residents are concerned enough to be represented.