Sunday, September 30, 2007
City Council Recap, September 25, 2007
We are getting closer and closer to begin the building of the parking deck in the Depot District.
There will be new signage along Ogden. Rather than the monuments in light at both ends of Ogden, that somehow attracts car to ruin them, there will be banner signage on lightposts indicating that Ogden Avenue is Route 66.
New noise ordinance signs will be going up in the next couple of months in Berwyn to notify people that loud noise emanating from vehicles is against the law.
The Administration Committee will be hopefully coming up with guidelines for Aldermanic expense accounts, that is, how Alderpeople should spend or not spend the $4,500.00 expense account that we have.
A new dangerous animal ordinance should happen in the next couple of months thanks to some pit bull happenings.
That is all there is. Stay tuned.