Sunday, June 10, 2007
City Council Meeting re-cap, May 22, 2007
A place to be called the Cafe Depot, to open at 6950 Windsor, sought a commercial loan of $40,000.00 from the BDC. The Cafe Depot is supposed to be a wifi/coffee shop. The loan was granted 5-2. I voted against.
The fifth Ward appears that it will go until the next election without an Alderperson.
The Sixth Ward Alderperson is being sued by our former Assistant to the Mayor and will be seeking you, the taxpayers, to foot his defense bill. The taxpayers should not have to foot his bill. Time will tell.
Six foot fences may be allowed in the future. There will be a public hearing soon.
Fines for "P" tickets have been increased.
Compliance ticket fines have been increased.
There you have it. Only 34 items were on this agenda. Looks like the summer may provide shorter meetings. Of course, we shall see.
And one last note: every Saturday, Farmer's Market is back in the Depot District in the morning. Please attend. Or not.