Wednesday, November 08, 2006
City Council Meeting, October 24, 2006
As part of giving businesses a license, the Mayor has asked to amend the current ordinance to include doing a routine inspection of food establishments. This was sent to the Committee of the Whole.
The Fire Chief has asked to have another Deputy Chief. This was deferred.
There was a request made by the South Berwyn Education Foundation to use Janura Park next year for a day and a half for a fundraiser to have a circus entertain everyone. The council approved this request.
A proposal by a citizen to privatize the Finance Department was sent to the Committee of the Whole.
A new rental licensing ordinance was sent to the Committee of the Whole. The ordinance would allow the City to make yearly inspections of apartment complexes.
Three new police officers were put on probationary status.
The Public Works Director has asked that a bonus be given to a Public Works employee. This was sent to the Public Work Committee.
The Harlem Avenue Train Station's bid was formally accepted. I hope that construction will begin soon.
There certainly was more, but these are the selected highlights.
Contact me at anytime at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com
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Mark, Thanks again for the update on City Council happenings. I also appreciate the notices of events for the ABC. I thought that it was good PR for the schools to send out positive notices about various school activities. We should all take this opportunity to forward the school news to people we know out side the Berwyn community. Perhaps we can change the negative impression outsiders have of our schools.
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