Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Neighborhood Watch Meeting, Wednesday the 18th
Neighborhood Watch
Internet Crimes Against Children
(ICAC) Seminar
October 18, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Berwyn Police Department
6401 W. 31st Street
Open to all Concerned Citizens, Parents and Educators
Berwyn’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force will be presenting this seminar to educate you of the dangers and risks children are exposed to while on-line.
Some of the topics that will be covered include:
ü Internet Predators
- Understanding how they operate
- Signs a child is being preyed upon
ü Understanding Computer Socializing (IM, Chat, e-mail, Blogs)
ü Safety Tips
ü What you need to know to keep your child safe
Interested in becoming a Neighborhood Watch Block Captain? Please contact Jeanmarie Hajer:
788-2660 ext. 290 or JHajer@ci.Berwyn.il.us For more information please contact: Frank Cimaglia at 795-5600 ext. 106