Monday, October 16, 2006
City Council Meeting, October 10, 2006
There were four different bids to open. First, there were approximately 12 proposals for a new telephone system for the City.
Second, there were some bids for the 4th Ward speed hump installation. (Note, do not email me or contact me about speed humps-this is a test).
Third, there will be some more sidewalks paved before the winter.
Last but not least, there were bids to repair the Metra Harlem Avenue station.
There will eventually be a retail overlay for the Depot District. This is done to prevent any more non-retail places to open up on the ground floor.
The interim Finance Director's contract was deemed good enough to execute. If you know a good government Finance Director, by all means, please contact me. Many municipalities are looking for a new Finance Director, which means, finding one is very difficult.
The 2nd Ward Alderman had wanted to change some Aldermanic Committee assignments, which I was for, but this was voted down.
The new waste collection contract is being sent to law. As previously reported, Waste Management will continue to be the waste hauler, for another 7 years.
The vote on the bar hours was again delayed; by the 1st Ward Alderwoman.
The City is getting a one million dollar grant to replace the north end firehouse. The City will probably have to come up with another million.
An interim Deputy Fire Chief was appointed for another sixty days.
A new ordinance is being sent to law to be drafted concerning owners of 5 unit or more apartment rental places. If this ordinance passes, owners of such units will have to be licensed. In being licensed, the City will have the legal right to inspect the properties every year to make sure they comply with building and health codes. This is a great thing.
Since apparently the health inspection people of the Township are not doing their job, the City may do its own health inspections. This will be discussed in the future.
The most contentious part of the evening ensued. Iwill give it short shrift. Bottom line, during the Columbus day weekend, the Building Department office was moved to the first floor next to the City Collector's office. Many Alderpeople did not like the "secretive" change.
I proposed a new ordinance that would require dumpsters to be locked at night so rats and people can not get into them. This was sent to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion.
As previously discussed, the City is looking at establishing a Housing Authority. This was formally sent to the law department to figure out how to do it.
The Library received approval to replace 11 VAV terminals-whatever they are. Something to do with regulating the temperature inside the library.
Finally, we are extending the time to re-pay an 8.8 million dollar note. We ultimately, once the 2005 audit is complete, will re-finance all of the City debt, which will be a good thing.
I am having a 3rd Ward Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church at 32nd and Clinton.
Anything else you want to know, you know where to find me.