Sunday, August 13, 2006
City Council Meeting, August 8, 2006
We received bids for the new waste disposal contract. This will take some time to sort through, since every entity offers something a little different.
Due to personnel shortage at the Fire Department, the City has promoted a Lieutenant to Deputy Fire Chief for an interim period.
Berwyn is thinking about making a Planning Commission. This matter was referred to the Building and Zoning Committee for further investigation and discussion.
The Finance Director is resigning after 6 months on the job to join his old Village Manager. Although the council did not like how he recieved the job and was appointed, I believe most council members were sorry to see him go. He did a great job.
The mayor Veto'd the property at 1517 Grove. Translation: the Zoning Board of Appeals had recommended that a house not be allowed to go from a three flat to a two flat. The Council had voted against this and was content to become a three flat(I voted against and for the 2 flat). Bottom line, it will be a two flat.
The City will be entering a letter of intent to contract with Redspeed, the company selected by the Police Chief to do the automated tickets sent to the people after going through red lights or around railroad gates.
Waste Management, as of September 1, 2006, will be increasing its rates 2%. As previously posted, we will have a new waste contract with someone as of January 1, 2007.
Washington Mutual Bank had wanted to demolish an old funeral home on Cermak. This was denied.
Various things will be done to help City Hall stay in good shape. Unfortunately, the Council decided against modernizing the inside of City Hall, which would have made it user friendly. Too expensive was the reason given. I voted to modernize City Hall and make it easier for the citizens and residents to navigate.
We are getting closer to paving the lot across the street from the library.
The Police Chief has organized a bunch of different law enforcement communities to get rid of gangs from Berwyn.
The Police Chief also sought to add another 3 officers, but was denied by Council. I voted to add the officers. The matter was sent to budget, where hopefully, it will come out with a recommendation for new officers.
Again, I heartily recommend everyone to sign up for the Citizen's Police Academy. Check it out here: