Sunday, August 13, 2006
Bar Hours, The Life
There is a blurb in this weekend's(August 11, 12, 13) Life about Bar Hours.
It attributes everything to Ald. Lovero, who is deadset against opening bars at 11 am, as opposed to the current 6 am.
All the Alderpeople, except the 4th, are happy to let bars open at 6 am.
I am simply trying to change our public image and make it a little more positive. When people stop at the Oak Park Avenue Metra stop and see drunks staggering out of a Bar at 7 or 8 am, this is an image I would rather not have.
When children are walking to school in the morning, I prefer that the bars not be open that early. If people want to drink at 6 am, they should do it in their own homes, or in the surrounding communities.
So, the article by the Life should be about me and no one else. Everything mentioned are from statements I made; not anyone else.
I am not seeking the publicity, but it would be nice if the paper got the facts straight instead of 100% dead wrong.
Now you may understand a little more why I do not like to speak to the media.
If you would like the bars to open at 11 am, rather than 6 am please feel free to call or write to the other Alderpeople. I want to move the City forward, not have it stay in the past.