Sunday, July 16, 2006
City Council Meeting, July 11, 2006
The first item on the agenda concerned Applebees. There are now two proposals on the table from Applebees: one to buy the land for $200,000.00 and renovate the bank; two, buy the land for $1,250,000.00 and build from scratch. The matter was deferred for two weeks until the next meeting. Please remember that I have a conflict of interest concerning Applebees and I can not vote. (My partner at work is best friends with the owner of Applebees).
There was a big, long lengthy discussion on the MacNeal Parking Garage. Bottom line, this matter was deferred for two weeks for either a vote or to have a special Zoning Board of Appeals meeting to disuss the amended proposal.
We would like to implement a computer use policy for the employees of the City. Unfortunately, this matter was sent the Administration Committee. So, although the private sector and most municipalities have a policy on computer use, the matter will be studied by the Administration Commmittee.
If anyone has called City Hall, then you realize the phone system is less than ideal. Consequently, the City will be seeking bids on a new system. This does not mean that the Council will ultimately approve a new system, just that the City is attempting to find out the cost. I would like to see a new phone system put in place.
Maple Pool, up on the north side, was shut down around the 4th of July. Consequently, the Alderpeople, in a tight vote, approved to waive the normal bidding process so that repair can be done as soon as possible.
A new Visitor Parking Pass ordinance was approved. There are many, many requirements to get a visitor parking pass and they will exist for the residents and for school employees. Although we need visitor parking passes, I was the lone Alderman to vote against this new ordinance because as written, I believe, and I hope I am wrong, there are too many ambiguities in the ordinance, which was written by the 8th Ward Alderman.
Then, the tone of the meeting changed drastically and I will not write about what occurred next.
I have not preached in my City Council recaps, but the Alderpeople are out of control. We are supposed to legislate. Feel free to come to a meeting and then feel free to call an Alderperson and tell that Alderperson to start acting professionally and to mind the citizens' concerns, as opposed to the Alderperson's concerns.
The 2004 Audit is finished. It was not pretty, but it is done.
The engagement letter to hire the same firm to do the 2005 Audit was approved.
Then, more bickering, of which I will not write about.
The 4th Ward is on its way to getting the City's first speed bumps. Please, do not write to me telling me you need a speed bump. Let us see how this experiment works in the 4th Ward.
The Council approved a salary increase for the Public Works' main secretary.
In the best news of the night, the Council authorized 3 more Police Officers to be hired. These will be lateral hires, which means they will get on to the streets in one month, rather than the normal six months for rookie officers.
The City is also well on its way to the automated Red Light system, which is a system that will mail you your ticket after you are photographed going through a red light or around a railroad gate.
That is all for now. The City is moving forward. Stay tuned.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the quieting of the train whistles on the CN line(Riverside/26th), feel free to come to the next City Council Meeting on July 25, 2006, at 8 pm.
Finally, I strongly urge all residents to have a block party this summer. If you are unsure how to go about this, feel free to contact me at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com