Sunday, July 09, 2006
CARES Petition
As many of you know, I am a Board Member of a group called Citizens Aligned To Renew Education for the Students. If interested, please read below:
Hi, everyone. In case you haven't heard, there is a group here in Berwyn circulating a petition to get an advisory referendum on November's ballot. Voter's will be asked if they would be in favor of combining North Berwyn District 98, South Berwyn District 100 and Morton West High School into one consolidated district. It is only advisory, but it would mean that Cicero would not be part of the Berwyn school system. Signing the petition means you support putting the question on the ballot, not neccessarily one answer over the other.
The pros of consolidation would be separating Morton West High School from District 201 and Morton East High School in Cicero which would keep Berwyn tax dollars in Berwyn, consolidating our elementary districts to hopefully realize a savings in administrative costs and elimination of duplicative services (more money for classrooms), better buying power in terms of vendors and contracts, and a more consistent streamlined k-12 curriculum.
If you have not yet signed the petition please consider stopping by at 3329 S. Kenilworth any evening in the next 20 days between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. Encourage registered Berwyn voters to do the same. If possible, circulate a petition in your neighborhood or block. Attached is an e-mail about how you could help if you have the time any evening between July 11-31st. Feel free to contact me - or 708-703-2956 if you have any questions about this or want to get more involved in education in Berwyn. Shelley
Dear Berwyn Resident:
We are well on our way to reaching our goal of 1500 signatures needed to get an advisory referendum on the November ballot asking voters if they would be in favor of consolidating Districts 98, 100, and Morton West High School into one consolidated District! However, we won't be able to do it without your help. Here is the plan for circulating the petition from July 11th - 30th (The 20 day Blitzkrieg). Please help!!
1. Meet between 6:00 and 8:00 pm at 3329 S. Kenilworth. Someone will be on the front porch.
2. You will be given a petition kit including guidelines, a loose script, and some talking points.
3. You will be assigned one or more blocks depending on the time you have to give.
4. Return to 3329 S. Kenilworth to turn in any signatures you collected. IMPORTANT: At a later date, you will be contacted to get your petition notarized. If you are a notary public, please consider helping one evening by notarizing returning circulated petitions at 3329 S. Kenilworth.
5. You may also get a petition kit to circulate on your own if you are interested.
6. Even if you cannot help circulate, please stop by 3329 S. Kenilworth to sign the petition and encourage your friends and neighbors to do so.
7. Forward this e-mail on to neighbors, friends, and family.
Thank you.