Sunday, June 25, 2006
Picnic Musings
Thanks to everyone that attended. The picnic was well-attended and everyone had a great time.
The weather was perfect, the residents on their best behavior, and the volunteers were spectacular. Thank you very, very, very much to everyone that helped make this event such a success.
Many people who had never met before, did meet fellow 3rd Ward residents. Many questions were answered. Many City employees were in attendance. The Fire and Police were well-represented and the hit of the picnic, and of the City, is the Police segways-great pr tools, but more importantly, will help the citizens of Berwyn.
Again, thanks for all that attended. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I certainly did.
Have a safe and healthy 4th! Many of us will enjoy a four-day retreat from work.
You know where to find me. Mark