Sunday, June 11, 2006
City Council Meeting, May 23, 2006
This was a short meeting. A new ordinance has been passed wherein if you apply for a handicap parking sign, and you receive it, your vehicle will be the only handicap vehicle allowed to park there. There have been complaints where a neighbor will park in another neighbor's handicap spot, wherein the person that applied for the spot, and received it, and has paid money for the application, is not allowed to park in that spot.
The Mayor sent to my Police and Fire Committee a communication to looking into the procedures of how Berwyn tows vehicles.
A variance was allowed for the owner of a 25 lot to build a house at 1523 Clarence. I voted against this, but it passed 5-3. This means that the owner can build a house on this 25 foor lot.
A new motor vehicle noise statute passed. Now, when a vehicle gets stopped for producing too much noise from its stereo, the vehicle will be immediately impounded and a $500.00 fee will have to be paid by the owner to get the vehicle back.
The City will now be formally cooperating with the school districts concerning overcrowding.
Some municipalities are seeking a utility tax exemption; this means that a school district that pays to the City the City's utility tax, wants a rebate of that money. In other words, double taxation. In the future, the City will rebate the utility taxes that another Berwyn government body pays to the City.
That is all. Do not forget the 2nd Annual 3rd Ward Picnic at Proksa Park on Saturday, June 24, 2006 from noon to 3. Pray for good weather.
This next meeting, Tuesday June 13, 2006, will be a much longer meeting. Stay tune.