Sunday, May 21, 2006
City Council Meeting, May 9, 2006
Two deferrals concerning Mayoral Appointments and how to appoint(reducing the Mayor's appointment power) were once again deferred: to the Administration Committee.
An Ad Hoc Committee was formed to study the Cook County Smoking Ban Ordinance. It will consist of the 2nd, 4th and 7th Ward Alderpeople.
There will be less meetings due to the passage of an Ordinance by the Alderpeople. I voted against it. Apparently, the Alderpeople only want to go to meetings when they want to go to meetings. Regressive.
An amended Noise Ordinance concerning cars/noise from cars, was sent back to the Ordinance Committee simply so it could be drafted. It will be up for vote at the next meeting, May 23, 2006. It should pass. As a penalty, a person's car will be impounded until $500.00 is paid to get the car back.
The 8th Ward Alderman took another jab at me on the floor concerning the use of Gas by Alderpeople. Coincidentally, at the Open Forum, Ms. Weiner gave a very eloquent speech against the free use of gas by the Alderpeople and against the free health insurance given to the Alderpeople. All her idea. I do not have the City health plan. I use my regular day job's health insurance.
The 8th Ward Alderman had a clever communication concerning "Unity". Rather, it is another attempt to strip the powers from the Mayor. This of course was referred to the Administration Committee, headed by none other than the 8th Ward Alderman.
The firefighter's union contract was approved by a vote of 7-1. The one was the 2nd Ward Alderman.
3 new probationary police officers were hired.
Although there were 43 items on the Agenda, the above were the important items. For the record, 43 is somewhat on the skimpy side.
Public Service Announcements
I am participating in the Walk For Life sponsored by the American Cancer Society. On the first Friday in June, I will be joining the Indpendent Voters of Berwyn team to raise money for the American Cancer Society; a worthy cause. It takes place at Morton College and begins at 6:30 pm and ends at 6:30 Saturday morning. The more money raised, the better obviously. Please send the money to 3132 Wenonah, Berwyn, IL 60402-my address, or drop it off. Check out the event at
Thank you.I hate to ask for money, but hey, it is a good cause. My grandfather passed away from cancer.
On Sunday June 4, 2006, is the first annual Berwyn Bungalow House Tour. My wife and I are Captains at a house on Riverside Drive. There are five houses total, plus a church. You must register at Proksa Park to begin. Tickets ahead of time are $20.00, $25.00 the day of. Tickets are available at four places in Berwyn. The one place I do know is Serendipity Antiques on Stanley, just east of Oak Park. Three of the five houses are in the 3rd Ward, beginning on the 31oo block of Maple, up Maple, turning onto Riverside Dr. to the end past Oak Park. Check out the houses. Should be very cool. Go easy. This is the first house tour in Berwyn.
On Saturday June 24, 2006, there are two events. First, Cartopia, which will take place at Cermak Plaza and is free. This is an event that will showcase "art" cars. Check it out.
Second, will the the 3rd Ward's Second Annual Picnic held at Proksa Park on June 24, 2006 from noon to 3 pm. Once again,the best kosher franks you can imagine, with a great dessert of cheesecake, chips and soda. Come meet others from the 3rd Ward.