Monday, May 01, 2006
Berwyn Arts Council/Cartopia
Calling all artsy Berwyn folk!!
Do you feel a need to help out the new and exciting Berwyn Arts Council but you haven’t had a chance? Well, now’s the time people. Get your creativity gloves on and grab a paint brush because we need your flare!!
What: Cartopia Car Parts Painting Party!!
A “Who’s Who” of cool art folk. What is Cartopia? Cartopia is an event scheduled for June 23-24th in Cermak Plaza. We will be decorating the empty Coconuts store to serve as the Cartopia headquarters and cabaret event Friday night, June 23rd.
Definition: Cartopia Art Cars: Vehicles that have been creatively painted, sculpted, or decorated into mobile, public folk art. You may not be familiar with the "Art of the Art Car", but since the late 80's art car events have been springing up across the nation. Shows take place annually in towns such as Minneapolis, Baltimore, San Francisco and Houston, Texas where typical turnout is over 300 vehicles and estimated crowds of 200,000!
Learn more by visiting:
Where’s the painting party? SWF Products: 7003 Ogden, Berwyn
When: Wednesday night, May 3rd 7-10pm
Saturday, May 6th 9a-12p
Wednesday, May 10th 7-10p
Saturday, May 20th, 9-12
Please let me know when you’re available and I’ll sign you up. You don’t need to be at all the dates or even the entire allotted time. Stop by for twenty minutes, pick up a brush (we provide the paint supplies) and add your artistic signature to the Carbaret décor. The “Carbaret Teur”, get it? carburetor?
If you have a creative idea and you’re not a painter, for example, maybe you want to mosaic cotton balls on a car bumper. We’ll provide the bumper but please bring supplies for your ideas.
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What a great idea to show off Cermack Plaza to the whole world, that run down ghetto mall on one of the most busy streets in the Chicago area - of course in Berwyn. Don't forget to show off all of the other vacant storefronts on Cermack while were at it. Of course we should all be proud of that - way to go Berwyn...
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