Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, March 09, 2006
City Council Meeting, February 28, 2006
The meeting started off off with some maneuvering on the minutes. Bottom line, a person who is taking over the deputy clerk's position in the Clerk's office, due to retirement, will get a pay raise and new title since she will be doing more than the previous deputy clerk.
There was a vote on the new Finance Director so that the Alderpeople could give "advice and consent" to the Mayor's appointment. The vote was 5-3 against the appointment of the new Finance Director. I voted for him, along with the 4th and 5th Ward Alderpeople. What this means is that the Mayor can still appoint the Director, it means he may have to appoint him every 30 days. What the other Alderpeople want is a new ad to go out for a new Finance Director.
A new firefighter was hired, Tim Berwick
We received a $100,000.00 grant for the metra train areas.
The company that collects on parking and ordinance violations has had its contract extended until June 30, 2006.
Currently, there is what is called an overloay on Cermak Road, which indicates what type of businesses should or should not go on Cermak. The Building/Zoning Committee(which I am on) and the Berwyn Development Corp. will be looking at this further in depth.
There will be a baseball parade on April 29, 2006 at 9 am.
A local Berwyn company, Weimer Machine Maintenance was granted a one year renewal of its right to maintain and repair Berwyn's fire trucks.
There is a new ordinance on the books that now lets Berwyn fine a DUI driver $500.00, which is essentially a tow fee.
The Mayor's secretary has received an approximate $250,000.00 credit from Waste Management(City's refuse hauler) due to Waste Management charging the City a "fuel" fee. This was not in the original contract. We will also soon be looking at the possibility of seeking other trash haulers. Waste Managment's contract is up at the end of the year.
The City is also seeking landscape bids for the depot area, Ogden and Cermak.
There was a request to add some part time drivers for the Senior vans, since only one of the two vans is currently being used. Although delayed, this should ultimately happen.
The library is allowed to seek a full time reader librarian II.

That is all for now. Things are getting quite contentious on the floor and between the Mayor and certain Alderpeople. It is quite frustrating. I will keep it at that.

3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting on April 29, 2006. Everyone should be getting flyers.

We could still use some neighborhood watch captains. Contact me or the P0lice Department. Get involved. MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com 484-7512

I rely on you to help me and the City so we can make Berwyn a better place for everyone.

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