Friday, January 27, 2006
City Council Meeting, January 24, 2006
A Third Ward resident was appointed to the Library Board, and she will be good. We need one more member. If interested, contact the Mayor or Bill Hensley at the Library.
The City is looking for an internet tech person who would work in the computer department.
It is official, the Mayor appointed a new Police Chief, William Kushner, from Chicago. He will be a great asset to our City. Although a vote was not needed, the alderpeople voted 6-2 to have the new Chief appointed. I will not comment on the 2 dissenters.
The Prairie Oak School, on Oak Park Avenue, received an architectural award, which is quite cool. It is the second or third award the school has won.
There is a possibility of a hair braiding business opening up on Roosevelt Road. As you may or may not be aware, there is a moratorium on hair salons, which means that any new hair salon that wants a license, has to be approved by the Alderpeople. Should this business be granted a license?
Finally, Applebees has officially signed a redevelopment agreement, which means the business has 90 days to make sure the building is doable, then construction should begin.
This meeting was our shortest, which I have to say, was nice. Berwyn is moving forward.
As always, if you want to be a neighborhood watch captain, please contact me or the Police Department. MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com The new Police Chief was instrumental in the Chicago CAPS program, so I am excited that our watch program can become a great one.
Finally, if people are not aware, there is a computer bulletin board that discusses all things Berwyn, for better or worse, the address is