Berwyn's Arts Blog
Monday, January 30, 2006
Traditional Building Exhibition and Conference
Traditional Building Exhibition and Conference to be held April 5-8, 2006 at Navy Pier
Admission to the Exhibition Hall is Free and Conference fees vary according to participation. There will be many good educational seminars and great networking opportunities.
Workshops like: Creating Livable Communities in Historic Cities, When Preservation Involves Additions: Blending the Old with the New, Weaving New Systems into Historic Structures, Successful Strategies for Adaptive Reuse, Preserving Landmarks with Conservation Easements are just a small sampling of the many workshops available at the Conference.
Vince Michael from the School of the Art Institue (who was largely responsible for Berwyn's Comprehensive Preservation Plan Document) will be discussing - When Preservation Involves Demolition.
Friday, January 27, 2006
City Council Meeting, January 24, 2006
A Third Ward resident was appointed to the Library Board, and she will be good. We need one more member. If interested, contact the Mayor or Bill Hensley at the Library.
The City is looking for an internet tech person who would work in the computer department.
It is official, the Mayor appointed a new Police Chief, William Kushner, from Chicago. He will be a great asset to our City. Although a vote was not needed, the alderpeople voted 6-2 to have the new Chief appointed. I will not comment on the 2 dissenters.
The Prairie Oak School, on Oak Park Avenue, received an architectural award, which is quite cool. It is the second or third award the school has won.
There is a possibility of a hair braiding business opening up on Roosevelt Road. As you may or may not be aware, there is a moratorium on hair salons, which means that any new hair salon that wants a license, has to be approved by the Alderpeople. Should this business be granted a license?
Finally, Applebees has officially signed a redevelopment agreement, which means the business has 90 days to make sure the building is doable, then construction should begin.
This meeting was our shortest, which I have to say, was nice. Berwyn is moving forward.
As always, if you want to be a neighborhood watch captain, please contact me or the Police Department. MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com The new Police Chief was instrumental in the Chicago CAPS program, so I am excited that our watch program can become a great one.
Finally, if people are not aware, there is a computer bulletin board that discusses all things Berwyn, for better or worse, the address is
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
2 Council Meetings, Bungalow Walk
Let me first start out by stating that there will be a Bungalow Walk the weekend of June 4, 2006, wherein homeowners open up their houses to the public. The people running this event are seeking a house on Riverside, between Oak Park and Harlem. If you know of a house/person that will open it up, please contact me and I will put you in touch with the organization in charge. This event should hopefully open up Berwyn to the new world.
There was a Special Council Meeting on January 3, 2006. The idea was to vote again on the Police Contract. This did not occur because not all the Alderpeople were in attendance. Stay tuned on the Police Contract and the other three City contracts for that matter.
There was a regular Council Meeting on January 10, 2006.
A zoning variance was approved for a property located at 6311 Roosevelt Road and I am very excited. This will be a business owned by an artisan woodcrafter and will be his studio, and two or three others' studio, and the items they make, such as furniture, cabinets, etc., will also be sold on site. First class items here.
I am also very excited that we approved the Berwyn Development Corporation's 2006 budget, which will have more than doubled from last year's budget. Within the budget, an Urban Planner will be hired. I campaigned on economic development and we need to let the BDC become more proactive, which this budget will allow that to occur.
Further excitement in the 3rd Ward concerns the Sedgwick Development, or, the property bounded by 32nd, Grove, Stanley and Oak Park. Approval was granted for a 62 foot story building(law allows for 55 feet) and to let the developers places signs on the building to sell the condo units. And, the developers also needed approval for a directory sign to be placed on Berwyn property. Although I have reported on this project in the past, it is now reality. The sales' office will be opening up at the corner of Stanley and Grove on February 12, 2006. There will be approximately 15,000 square feet of retail on the first floor and four floors of condos:one bedroom to three bedrooms; 52 units, priced from $171,000.00 to $314,000.00. There will be underground parking and some ground level parking. Everyone passing on the train will now see that Berwyn is moving forward in a very positive way.
Finally, the 3rd Ward, and City, still needs neighorhood watch captains. Please contact me if interested at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com. And, with that, a new Police Chief will be starting his job on January 23, 2006. I was on the Committee and am quite proud of our selection. I trust you will be, too.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Identity Theft Presentation
There was a problem with the blog and sending to everyone. Everyone will get all postings. Period. If you do not want to get updates, by all means, contact me at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com
The Cook County Sheriff’s office will be presenting information on
“Identity Theft”
Join us on Monday, January 23rd
At 10:00 a.m.
In the Community Room (Lower level)
At 7222 W. Cermak Rd.
(coffee and juice will be available)
This presentation is sponsored by MB Financial Bank and the Berwyn Cicero Council on Aging.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
A local Berwyn real estate agent will be on House Hunters next month. Let us hope he sold a Berwyn house because I have no idea. Sounds like they stayed in Chicago, though.
House Hunters Episode HNT-1611
February 02, 2006 10:00 PM ET/PT
February 03, 2006 2:00 AM ET/PT
February 05, 2006 7:30 PM ET/PT
Wanted: Windy City BungalowEven though it's only 760 square feet, Camulla and Ed Twohey love their condo in downtown Chicago. These two architects thrive on the hustle and bustle of city life and take full advantage of all The Windy City has to offer, especially the diverse array of ethnic restaurants. But now, with 6-month-old Cecelia underfoot, their condo has become an obstacle course. They'd like to find one of Chicago's signature brick bungalows, where they can spread out. Since they're both architects, they wouldn't mind doing a little updating themselves. Real estate agent Paul Stepanovich steps in to help them with their search.
GUESTS:Paul StepanovichRealtor/Broker, Century 21 Hallmark Ltd.6714 W. Ogden Ave.Berwyn, IL 60402Phone: 708-525-4333E-mail: paul@stepsells.comWebsite:
Monday, January 02, 2006
City Council, December 27, 2005
Last meeting of the year, and it ended up being held hostage. More later.
The first voting was done on the Police Union Contract. The police had voted to accept the contract, which, for the first time ever, took things away from the police. I voted for it, along with the 5th and 7th Ward Aldermen. The 4th Ward Alderwoman had to recuse herself since her husband is a police officer. The other 4 Alderpeople voted down the contract saying it was not good enough. Well, when the City workers have a free ride for 30 years, of course, nothing will be good enough. Yet, contracts evolve and you can not get everything you want in one fell swoop. Now, the contract may end up in arbitration and if that happens, the City will lose big time; not just the police contract, but the City Hall workers' contract, the Public Works' contract and the Firepersons' contract.
To park on the Vacin Fairway, it will still cost $75.00, but to park overnight, one will need a Berwyn vehicle sticker and a Vacin Fairway sticker.
The fireworks, sort of, went off during the 8th Ward Alderperson's protest that his expenses were not approved by the Mayor. In that communication, the 8th Ward Alderman libeled me. I defended myself, diplomatically, honestly and with high moral integrity. Two people came up to me after the meeting, two people who I did not know, and asked, "Mark, what is that guy on?" Enough said.
We can not get distracted from moving Berwyn forward because of the antics of certain Alderpeople. The residents expect more of the Alderpeople.
Finally, 27th Street, between Riverside and Home will be a two-way street. Period. There will be signs placed that will notify people that the street is very narrow at certain points. Hopefully, this new configuration will work better than the old.