Sunday, December 25, 2005
City Council, December 13, 2005
The Building and Zoning Committee, of which I sit, will be looking at an amended ordinance to what is allowed on signs.
There is confusion as to what police officers may do for secondary employment. We will be looking to solidify what officers may do outside of being a Berwyn police officer.
Motor vehicle seizure and impoundment will be looked at by the Committee of the Whole.
The 2005 tax levy will not be raised, which means the City is not raising taxes. There was a public hearing right before this City Council meeting. Pandemonium was everywhere: from the crowd, the Alderpeople and the Mayor. Remember that 62% of the City budget is dedicated to paying off debt.
The amendment to the administrative code that Alderperson Chapman wanted, that is, to have the Budget Committee make the budget, as opposed to the Mayor, was deferred to the Budget Committee. I believe it will stay there indefitnitely, at least until Alderperson Chapman becomes disenchanted with the Mayor's budget-writing skills.
We voted to cut the City's portion of the natural gas tax in half through the winter.
Alderman Erickson proposed, once again, a new occupancy affidavit and how to go about it. This was deferred to the Building and Zoning/Ordinance Committees.
A Memorandum of Understanding, that I worked on, was approved for the municipalities of Berwyn, North Riverside and Riverside. What this means is that these three cities will formally get to work together to silence the trains. We have already submitted a grant with Riverside to the Illinois Department of Transportation for grant monies to install a quad gate at Harlem/Riverside train crossing. If we get the quad gates there, and another in North Riverside, we are well on our way to silencing the train whistles.
The City also approved monies for phase 1 to make an envonmental study around the depot district parking garage sit.
I urge everyone to go to the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. You should arrive early to get a seat. The Committee of the Whole begins at 7:00 p.m.