Sunday, September 11, 2005
Committee of the Whole, August 30, 2005
The first thing discussed was having more coin operated machines at taverns, etc., such as the video poker or trivia. Also, allow two billiard tables. By having more, the City would get more money. I am against more video machines. Places were busted two or three years ago for illegal gambling because of these machines. I am in the minority.
We also discussed entertainment licenses for liquor establishments. We need definitions of various forms of entertainment, i.e., is karaoke a form of entertainment?
I will now be voting for the diagonal parking at 6701 W. 21st. Yes, more concrete. However, the developer will be planting six new trees, now, rather than three. The north side needs development and by converting an apartment building to condos, that is a big plus for Berwyn. If this building takes off, more owners would be willing to convert.
As for Buona Beef, we have to keep good businesses in Berwyn. I have no problem giving it TIF money; just not for the roof.
Redevelopment agreements are being finalized for the Roosevelt/East condo project, Applebees and the 3rd Ward condo/retail project at Stanley/Oak Park. Once these are signed, construction begins. Hurry, hurry.
Although people have been allowed to speak at City Council meetings under the new administration, there will now be guidelines so there will be a little more rigidity to the process. Bottom line, people will be able to talk about anything; whether it is on the agenda or not. This is a big change. Previously, if something was on the agenda, a citizen could not broach that subject.
The Aldermen are being treated to a TIF Seminar before the September 13, 2005 meeting. Again, this is a good thing. Many do not understand the whole TIF process.
As always, if you want to get this update as it goes to the printing press, email me with your email at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com and I will add you.