Sunday, September 25, 2005
City Council Meeting, September 13, 2005
The library sought its bids for better and more efficent lighting. We were expecting a bid of $34,000.00. which would have required the City of pay $9,000.00(we had a $25,000.00 grant). We received a bid of approximately $24,000.00. Yeah, free lights.
Larry Cullen and Donald Erce were appointed to the Police Pension Board.
North Berwyn Park District will be using the City's Maple Pool for a haunted house.
The diagonal parking at 6701 21st Street was denied. I had initially been opposed to this project, but more trees were added and it became a no-brainer to help spur condo conversion. Unfortunately, this item was hotly contested, discussed, etc. and I believe we are not thinking for the future.
Buona Beef was discussed and will be on the agenda for TIF funds on September 27.
The person who sold the bank building to Applebee's will get a four percent commission from the City.
Alderman Phelan has a proposal, which was deferred, that would allow houses on empty 25 foot lots, as opposed to getting a variance. An incredible conflict from a real estate and builder to propose this. I have discussed this with the Alderman, but he says no conflict. I am sure others think differently.
We will also be leasing 2 vans for Seniors, with the added benefit that the City can use the vans outside of normal bus hours. After five years, the City will pay a dollar and own the vans.
A lot of stop signs were approved across the City.
The winter holiday proposal to ban decorations after a certain amount of time after the holidays was deferred.
We have major computer questions and the IT person wants to renew certain service contracts. We need a plan in place to start replacing computers, servers, etc.
Stay tuned. Remember, if you want to be a neighborhood watch captain, contact me or the police department.
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Do you think it's really in your best interest to "bash" another Alderman?....Better think again smarty pants!
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