Monday, August 22, 2005
City Council Meeting, August 9, 2005
52 Items on the agenda.
The diagonal parkig spaces at 6701 W. 21st Street were again deferred.
There were three Alderman appointed to the Community Relations Review Committee.
Human Resource Director, Fleet Manager and Director of Neighborhood Affairs positions were all deferred to the budget commmittee. These people are currently working. With the hiring freeze, this will be voted on at the August 23, 2005 meeting.
The library is receiving approximately $25,000.00 in a grant for better lighting and has asked the City for remaining monies of $7,000.00. Deferred to budget committee and will be voted on August 23, 2005.
I have received a gas key report. I would like this issue on the next budget committee meeting and will then ask to go to City Council meeting for a vote on abolishing keys for the Alderpeople.
The 2nd Ward Alderman proposed a bike route through Berwyn. Great idea.
4 new probationary police officers are being hired.
The person in charge of the CDBG monies is asking to replace someone who has left; rehab supervisor.
The building director has asked for a new landscape ordinance. If passed, any person building a commercial property and I believe new home, would be required to have so much landscaping. Why didn't I think of this?
Liquor license fees may be increasing soon.
Two public works people were apointed to the Tree Board. No one new this Board existed.
Dan's Bike Shop on Roosevelt will be receiving TIF funds for an expansion.
Citizens Community Bank will receive TIF funds to re-do its parking lot.
And, Buona Beef has asked for TIF funds to improve its three properties on Roosevelt. This will be voted on at the August 23, 2005 meeting.
Sorry for the late report.
The 3rd Ward, and all Wards for that matter, need neighborhood watch captains for Berwyn's new program. Please get involved. I would like a captain on every block. You will be the liason between your block and the police officers. Applications at the Police Station or contact me.