Monday, August 29, 2005
City Council Meeting, August 23, 2005
One law firm's assocation with the City was terminated. We are down to very few attorneys working for the City. Last year, at least 28 different law firms were doing legal work for the City.
Two matters in litigation were approved by the Council.
A zoning variance was approved for another daycare center at 6823 Roosevelt. For better or worse, there are now two daycare centers within four blocks of one another on Roosevelt.
The Mayor voted for the first time to break a 4-4 vote. An owner of a two flat at 6536 W. 26th Street wanted to make it a 3 flat; like his neighbors-the exact same building. Unfortunately for this owner, those other two owners made their places into 3 flats illegally. I voted against the change and the Mayor voted against the change. Consequently, the owner will have to live with a two flat.
The human resource director and fleet manager and mechanic were all referred to the Administration Committee.
The City will be purchasing two new ambulances out of monies left from the 65 million road project. Nona discovered we had some money left. Now, if there actually is a checking account, we will be able to buy 2 sorely needed ambulances.
The Berwyn Public Library is getting a $25,000.00 grant for new lighting. The City will kick in the remaining monies, which should not be more than $7,000.00. Bill Hensley, the director of the Library, will be soliciting bids for the project.
The director of neighborhood affirs position will be going to the Administrative Committee.
The City will be hiring additional crossing guards that are needed due to the new school.
The library has asked for a replacement youth services librarian. Referred to Administrative Committee.
CDGB is asking for a rehab specialist; again, another replacement.
Adlerperson Chapman put a communication on the floor indicating her disapproval of the budget as it now stands. Nothing new here.
The building director sent two new ordinance proposals to the Ordinance Committee concerning fences for pools and 6 foot fences.
Also, a communication was pulled concerning Xmas decorations. The proposal wants people to take down their decorations in a timely manner after Xmas.
Alcohol sellers will now be able to sell liquor in Berywn on Sunday beginning at 11 am.
Buona Beef is asking for TIF monies for 3 buildings. This matter was deferred.
The Applebees project is moving full strength ahead. The owner wanted a $250,000.00 priced reduction for the property, from 1.5 million to 1.25 million. The owner needed the extra monies so he could properly retain and renovate the bank building. I once again had to abstain from voting since my partner is best friends with the owner of Applebees. The council voted 7 to nothing to reduce the price. The owner wants to have Applebees open by Thanksgiving.
Finally, last but not least, the project in the 3rd Ward is going forward full steam. The council voted 8 to nothing to move the project forward. A major sticking point was a Harris Bank requirement, which has now been modified to the City's advantage and yet, Harris Bank has approved, also. 52 condos, the bank and 16,000 square feet of retail.
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