Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Committee of the Whole
With this post, hopefully, everyone has been contacted via email. I put in approximately 175 email addresses. Hope you appreciate that. If you are here by chance and not because you were notified, and would like to be notified, please send me your email address:
We met Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 6:30 pm. We discussed the potential mural to be painted on the south side of the Walgreen's at Cermak Plaza. I am all for beauty, as many of you know, and gladly support this project.
Everyone's trash bills will be going up as of August 1, 2005. That is per our contract with Waste Management. 2% is supposed to be the raise.
We also discussed the open forum changes and procedures that will be taking place at regular City Council meetings. We are ironing out the details. Bottom line, as I wanted, people will be able to talk about anything at the meeting, whether it is on the agenda, or not.
Finally, before we went into closed session, we discussed the infamous occupancy affidavit, or certificate of compliance. We are leaning toward the certificate of compliance, which would notify the new homeowner as to how many people are legally entitled to live at a residence. The question that needs to be answered now is when and how can this notice be given.
Next Committee of the Whole will be Thursday, July 7, 2005, at 7 pm. We will be discussing the Depot garage.