Monday, July 25, 2005
Committee of the Whole, July 19, 2005
I again thank Pat R. for the re-cap. I left town July 20, 2005 early in the morning.
Plans for an Aug.15th City wide meeting is being planned for all the residents. Not sure of location yet, could be the police station, rec or VFW hall. Some of the discussion will be on Neighborhood Watch program and how the city is doing under our new administration. This is positive news.
Another Nail Salon wanted to open on Ogden Ave. No one is sure about the location. This discussion was about retail verses service operations in the DD. I agree with Alderman Chapman that we need more service and shopping stores in this area.
The Mural for the back of the Cermak shopping area was briefly discussed. The plans were given to the Aldermen to look over. I am all for it.
Represenatives from Aflec Insurance Company explained their proposal for a supplemental insurance that would be available to any city employee if that employee chooses to participate. This would entail only a very small cost to the city.
The need for additional video games and pool tables in our local establishments was also discussed. Extra revenue would be gained. Space and location within the establishment could be an issue.
Aldermen Braccato is concerned about the cost of Family and individual pool passes for the less fortunate residents of Berwyn, although it was brought up that Berwyn is the most reasonable in the area.
Finally, the variance for the 6 unit condo will be put on the city council floor next week for a vote, and the approval to install diagonal parking in front of 21st and Wesley.
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Any news on the teardown at 3807 Maple, if in fact it is one? I hope it is a quality teardown. Keep me posted.
The Aflac plan will not cost Berwyn a dime financially. The only cost will be administrative: filling out paper work, etc. As I had stated, there really is very little cost.
Why is it being considered? Because the City was approached. The workers will pay any cost out of their paychecks.
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Why is it being considered? Because the City was approached. The workers will pay any cost out of their paychecks.
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