Wednesday, July 27, 2005
City Council/National Night Out
This city has issues of growing concern in parts of the North side that need to be taken care of, and the best way to get the ball rolling is by joining together as residents, and neighbors. No matter what part of town you live in, we all have issues we are wanting to deal with. On Tuesday, August 2nd, residents from throughout Berwyn are asked to join other communities all over the country in the "22nd Annual National Night Out". For more info about National Night Out, check it out on the web at: From 7:00 - 10:00pm on August 2nd, residents throughout Berwyn are asked to lock their doors, turn on their outside lights and spend an evening outside with neighbors and police. The Cook County Sheriffs Department, with their mobile units, will be located at the Recreation Center at 31st Street and East Ave. Let's all get together with friends and neighbors to make it a night out of discussing issues we might have in our neighborhoods and finding out what other neighborhoods might have issues with as well. Thank you berwyn informer for the above.
I will give a detailed account of Tuesday's July 26, 2005 City Council meeting probably in the next 48 to 72 hours. Besides being a full two hour meeting, on top of the one hour Committee of the Whole meeting, everyone in attendance truly were able to learn everyone's personalities because all the Alderpeople came out of the closet(in a matter of speaking; there's nothing wrong with that).
Stay tuned.