Berwyn's Arts Blog
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Property Tax Assessments
Mark, a Berwyn pal of mine in another ward brought over a letter that he received about his real estate assessment. It was a solicitation to appeal his assessment for him. They charge a nonrefundable $100.00 to begin the process. The homeowner pays them 50% of what the company is able to reduce the assessment by. The firm walks away with an easy $100.00 is they are unsuccessful in reducing the assessment.

Please pass along to third ward residents that this type of service is being offered by the Berwyn Assessor's office for free. Residents can call the Berwyn Health Department to make an appointment. There is a deadline for filing the appeal. Appointments should be made a.s.a.p.

Beth Pechous gave a talk about this service at the last ABC meeting. She said that they have a computer program all set up to check comparable properties to see if a resident's taxes are in line with taxes being paid by other owners of similar properties in the area.

Please pass this along to other 3rd ward residents. Maybe get more information and post it on your blog. You'll be saving them at least $100.00 by advising them to go for the free service. Marge

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