Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Committee of the Whole
Most of what you see below was written by BerwynPatsy from the Berwyn bulletin board.
The meeting was held on June 20, 2005. Lots of discussion tonight. Most important subject discussed involved the occupancy ordinance that was brought up at the last city councilmeeting. The council is simply trying to re-work and re-word the affidavit so it withstands legal scrutiny. I was also happy to hear that our occupancy ordinance is actually enforced; usually concerning illegal appartments. We will be looking at different municipalitiies including Forest Park. No agreement made on this issue.
Complaints of a rat problem coming in from residents in both north and south Berwyn. A Berwyn business man hired to help control this problem.Cost to us $115.00 per week. This will include all Commercial and residential alleys .
New position announced. Fleet Manager. Start date of 6/27/05. Also Assistaant Financial Director. As for transparency(it was mentioned-or lack thereof), just the fact that these positions are being announced publicly, seems to indicate that the Administration will not hide things from the public. Certainly not my intention.
I thank Pat for laying the groundwork for this entry. Made it a lot easier on me.
As an aside, I will be meeting with a DuPage group next week concerning overcrowding. I hope to get some ideas on how our City can approach the issue in a legal way.