Thursday, May 12, 2005
To new beginnings...
Busy. That is a good thing.
Just so everyone knows, the City of Berwyn had absolutely no financial controls. Period. End of entence. They will be put in place. So, we need to figure out the money situation, which of course, is no news.
We were sworn in on Tuesday, May 10, 2005. I had a better time at the inauguration night than election night.
Our work is cut out for us.
I have a 78 page document, the Final Order concerning the railroad quiet zone. Once I get through that, I can figure out, hopefully, what needs to be done in the short-term. Also, I have made a FOIA request from Blue Island to get all its documents concerning their quiet zone. We have a new Police Chief, and no longer have a Public Safety Officer. The PSO was outlawed at our meeting May 10, 2005. We have a Fire Chief and Police Chief; just like normal cities. The Police Chief is only for an interim period. He was the Police Chief for Wheaton until 1996 and then retired. Since retirement, he has been an interim Police Chief in four Chicagoland cities. Not an easy job.
I have new magnets for all the residents in the 3rd Ward. Hopefully, they will be passed out over the next month. Most of my volunteers have asked to continue volunteering; all for the betterment of Berwyn.
If anyone else wants to volunteer to pass out the magnets, and in the future, additional items, like a flyer concerning Mark Weiner's First Third Ward Picnic on August 6, 2005 at Proksa Park, please contact me.
Depending on if the City does a news flyer to all the residents will affect my decision on a 3rd Ward News Flyer. Time will tell.
I have already been contacted by phone and by email from the City of Berwyn site. It will take time for us to get up and jamming, but I assure you, I will continue to strive to do the best job possible for the residents/City.
Type to you soon.