Berwyn's Arts Blog
Saturday, February 16, 2013
If you do not vote in the February 26, 2013 primary, there is no reason to vote in April.
By this, I mean, if you want a choice, you better take the Democratic ballot in February.
Your only choices will be amongst the Democratic ballot.
If you want to vote for the current Administration, go for it.
Otherwise, if you want people who actually care about you, vote Democratic as follows:
Berwyn Township
President: Linda Callahan Kampe
Assessor: Alan J. Kveton
Township Trustee(only vote one): David J. Miklos
Treasurer: Michael A. O'Connor
1st Ward: Gerald F. O'Connor
3rd Ward: Margaret Paul
4th Ward: Robert W. Fejt
6th Ward: Jeanmarie Hajer-O'Connor
7th Ward: Alexandra 'Sandi' Radtke
If all these Alderpeople were to win, the current and future Mayor will have a much more difficult time governing and perhaps, won't be able to raise our taxes 20% in two years.
Any questions, feel free to contact me at
I apologize for this non-arts' post, but it is important to have effective government.
By the way, early voting takes place until February 23, 2013 at the Berwyn Public Library, 2701 S. Harlem, Monday through Saturday, 9am to 5 pm.
If you choose to vote on February 26, 2013, please note that if you are in the following locations in Berwyn on February 26, 2013:
Berwyn Township Ward 3 Precinct 1
Berwyn Township Ward 3 Precinct 4
Berwyn Township Ward 4 Precinct 2
you can not vote at your normal location. You must vote at the
Liberty Cultural Center, 6445 27th Place.