Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Just wanted to give you some time to make plans for this Thursday, August 16th in north Berwyn at the Friendly Tap Listening Room. Two top-flight Chicago songwriters will be joining me on stage for a free night of original music:
Thomas Pace
Hannah Frank
As you know it is a Listening Show where just like in Nashville, the focus will be for the audience to very quietly listen to and allow everyone to enjoy the music. Talking is not allowed during the playing of a song but the beer is cold and the setting intimate where the writers share stories and a unique experience is had by all...
I use my best judgment to bring in quality players that will be very enjoyable and once again, you will not be disappointed. Thomas just released a new CD and Hannah will be performing her "poetic passive-aggressive masterpieces."
It should be a great night and it is free.
Show will start somewhere after 8:30 and if you have never been, The Friendly is a great joint to hang out in.
Performing Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week at Metropolis Performing Arts Centre in Arlington Heights is Tanya Saracho's Enfrascada (A Hoodoo Comedy of Jarring Proportions) 7:30 PM August 13 - 22 only.
"Love can't fix you, but it's hard to heal without it." This is one of many lines resonating with audiences from Arlene Malinowski's "thoroughly compelling one-woman show" All Kinds of Crazy.
"There’s revelation, tragedy and ultimately redemption woven through her family’s secrets and successes, and Malinowski plays various members – including her deaf parents – with wonderful vividness.
'Crazy' deserves a longer stay." -- Catey Sullivan, Chicago Theater Beat. Post-show dialogues this Thursday and Friday. Tickets going fast! Closes Saturday at the 16th Street Theater.