Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, October 27, 2011
3 Events
First, check out Cigars and Stripes, tonight, Thursday,October 27, 2011, at 6 pm, as part of Freaktoberfest, a beer tasting: eight 7 ounce beers, $20.00. If so inclined, second string of eight is $16.00. Music, Art and a taste of the Human Pincushion.
Cigars and Stripes is just east of the Amoco at Ogden and Oak Park, 6715 W. Ogden.
Tomorrow night, in a continuing display of art at the Route 66 Museum, Friday, October 28, 2011, 7003 W. Ogden, just west of Home: local Berwyn artist Fran Gregory will be showcasing her painted portraits. Six pm to 9:30 pm. Refreshments will be served.
Of course, Saturday, beginning at 4 pm, on Roosevelt Road, October 29, 2011, check out the Zombie Walk. Make up at Culvers and Citizens Community Bank. $15.00 will get you make up and food, ultimately, at Fitzgeralds. Movies and music. The Walk itself begins at 6:30 pm.
Or not.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Spread The Word
Details on the Zombie Walk below:
Volunteers still needed: or Barbara Harris at or call Barbara Harris at 708-795-6704, ext. 104.
Horrorbles is proud to be teaming up with the Roosevelt Road Business Association & The Berwyn Development Corporation again on our annual Zombie Walk & Pub Crawl! The 12th Street Rag, Commodore Berry Post, Friendly Tap & Fitzgerald's Nightclub all on October 29th starting at 6:30pm!
A donation of $15 will go benefit Berwyn's very own 16th Street Theater! This includes your make-up done (If you don't come prepared!) and food! There will be no speaking while the walk commences down the true spirit of the un-dead! Moaning and growling encouraged!
Horrorbles will sponsor make-up and costume staging from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at Culver's, and Citizens Community Bank, located on Roosevelt Road.
Once properly attired, zombies will be led on a pub-crawl that will overtake the 12th Street Rag, Commodore Berry VFW Post, Friendly Tap,and FitzGerald’s. FitzGerald’s will host the catered after party with films and other un-deadly fun.
Tasty eats from local restaurants such as Paisan's Pizza & Autre Monde Cafe & Spirits will be available for all donors showing wristbands!
Once the crawl is over, zombies can resume their search for brains at their favorite Berwyn haunts until the late hours of the evening!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Zombie Walk, 2 hour volunteer opportunities
Once again, the second Zombie Walk is taking place on October 29, 2011, from 3 pm to 9 pm, along Roosevelt Road.
Once again, the proceeds will benefit the 16th Street Theater. Looking for two hour stints.
Want to volunteer and have fun and get free make up and enjoy the day/night?
Of course you do.
We are seeking 40 volunteers to serve food, check wristbands, greet people and a host of other miscellaneous functions.
Just the like the US Army, we want you.
Please either contact me at or contact Barbara Harris at or call Barbara Harris at 708-795-6704, ext. 104.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Zombie Walk Volunteers
Once again, the second Zombie Walk is taking place on October 29, 2011, from 3 pm to 9 pm, along Roosevelt Road.
Once again, the proceeds will benefit the 16th Street Theater.
Want to volunteer and have fun and get free make up and enjoy the day/night?
Of course you do.
We are seeking 40 volunteers to serve food, check wristbands, greet people and a host of other miscellaneous functions.
Just the like the US Army, we want you.
Please either contact me at or contact Barbara Harris at or call Barbara Harris at 708-795-6704, ext. 104.