Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, January 28, 2010
This Weekend
Saturday, January 30, 2010 from 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm at Horrorbles, 6729 W Roosevelt Road in Berwyn, IL.
A two person creative exhibit featuring photographic works by Jim Sorfleet and Fashion designed by Alana Malia.
The dark beauty of Jim's photography comes alive in this collection of images that celebrate the disturbing yet beautiful side of the human psyche.
The fashion designs of Alana Malia include unique custom made handbags and corsets that are both beautiful and unique.
Make sure that you watch the WGN Mid-day news on January 28th for a sneak preview of the show and an appearance by the owner of Horrorbles, Mr John Aranza.
This is a show that should not be missed!
Facebook Event Page:
Also, art miro @ the"Tamale Hut Cafe" Jaime Flores (owner) is a dedicated supporter of the arts in our area and has been using his restaurant as a unique art venue ever since its opening a few years ago. This is miro's second show at The Tamale Hut and they would love to see a big turn out.
So please join them, music, BYO beer & wine, ample parking and ART will be on hand as well as 2 for 1 tamales.
Come see some of miro's latest works, have a couple of tamales and catch up on old times and maybe you can even take some original art home with you by buying it or winning the raffle drawing.
Details: art miro - the art of miro ledajaks at Tamale Hut Cafe, 8300 W. Cermak, North Riverside, 708-442-0948 Saturday, January 30, 2010 6pm-10pm
more info and graphics are also on facebook, if you're not there, you should be:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tortured Tuesday
Tortured Tuesday will be tonight, Tuesday, January 26, 2010, at Friendly Tap, 6733 W. Roosevelt. And remember, that Tuesdays at Friendly Tap are Boozeday Tuesdays. Anytime after 7 p.m.
Join Rob Pierce for a special Tuesday (every Tuesday – 4 years running) with mysterious guests that surprise visit and keep it real. The repertoire is NEVER the same twice. The music usually starts at 9 PM. Sometimes a mysterious guest (ie Ruggs) will make an appearance and start the piano solo performance long before. You just never know…
So, all you fine artists, or those that just want to mingle, come out, come out, wherever you are. Come to an establishment that you have never been to. Play pool. Communicate. Get away from your cellphone and computer and tv. Really talk to someone! Network!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tortured Tuesday
Tortured Tuesday
The next Tortured Tuesday will be on Tuesday, January 26, 2010, at Friendly Tap, 6733W. Roosevelt. And remember, that Tuesdays at Friendly Tap are Boozeday Tuesdays. Anytime after 7 p.m.
Join Rob Pierce for a special Tuesday (every Tuesday – 4 years running) with mysterious guests that surprise visit and keep it real. The repertoire is NEVER the same twice. The music usually starts at 9 PM. Sometimes a mysterious guest (ie Ruggs) will make an appearance and start the piano solo performance long before. You just never know…
So, all you fine artists, or those that just want to mingle, come out, come out, wherever you are. Come to an establishment that you have never been to. Play pool. Communicate. Get away from your cellphone and computer and tv. Really talk to someone! Network!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Opening Night
Opening night was last night, Thursday, for This Train. Only seven more performances.
Check out what the Sun Times wrote:
Tony Fitzpatrick is a streetwise renaissance man of his own making. He's an accomplished artist, writer and actor who gets inspiration from Chicago, the world and the people he encounters there.
As an actor, Fitzpatrick has performed in Lookingglass Theatre productions and in many films and television shows. But what he loves best is bringing his own vision -- a combination of his artwork and writing -- to the stage.
In 2002, he teamed with a pal, singer-songwriter Steve Earle, for a one-night performance at Steppenwolf Theatre's Traffic series that featured music, art and words to great effect.
Now, the straightforward and opinionated Fitzpatrick has created a new show, with help from 16th Street Theater artistic director Ann Filmer, that revolves around his collage series and journal entries inspired by the hobo alphabet (marks left by hobos on fences to inform others as to what to find within).
"When Ann told me the theater's season this year was about 'home,' I thought that was a perfect fit for the hobo alphabet," Fitzpatrick said. "The series is all about home and homelessness."
Filmer calls the creation of "This Train" "the craziest thing I've ever been involved with."
"I'm the Tony wrangler, guiding the train so it doesn't go off the tracks," she said with a laugh.
The process started with no script, just the art and journal entries that align with each collage.
"Tony has a lot of opinions and a huge heart," Filmer said. "He's also got a wonderful way with words."
Filmer spent several days in Fitzpatrick's studio watching the artist in his work environment. Working at the window of his Damen Avenue studio, he sees the world go by.
"I wanted the piece to blend a day in his real world with the life of his stories and art," Filmer said.
Fitzpatrick has created collages about Chicago, New Orleans, Japan and Native Americans. He says he began the hobo alphabet series as a way to honor Chicago writer Studs Terkel after he passed away in 2008.
"As a kid, I read Hard Times, his towering oral history of the Great Depression," Fitzpatrick said. "I try to remember these stories when men come to the door on Damen Avenue looking to shovel walks or wash windows."
Backed by projections of the collages, Fitzpatrick reads journal entries and tells stories. Singer Sally Timms and musician John Rice have been tapped for the musical side of the show, which includes Fitzpatrick's poems set to music and classic songs like John Prine's "Angel from Montgomery."
"The music adds a curious sadness to the piece," Fitzpatrick said. "And Sally has a perfectly haunted voice for the American road."
The characters the artist meets on Damen Avenue outside his studio also make an appearance in the show.
Fitzpatrick's Facebook friends already are familiar with the "old Ukrainian lady" who lives four doors from his studio. From the sound of his postings, she thinks he's a hoodlum and really doesn't like his dog Chooch.
"She's kind of the bane of my existence," Fitzpatrick said with a laugh. "Like the posse after Butch Cassidy, she's always there in her housecoat and babushka ready with a comment."
• "This Train" continues through Jan. 30 at 16th Street Theater, 6420 16th, Berwyn. For tickets ($20), call (708) 795-6704 or visit the Web site
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tortured Tuesday/16th Street Theater
The next Torture Tuesday will be on Tuesday, January 26, 2010, at Friendly Tap, 6733 W. Roosevelt. And remember, that Tuesdays at Friendly Tap are Boozeday Tuesdays.
If it still exists, because I have not checked, join Rob Pierce for a special Tuesday (every Tuesday – 4 years running) with mysterious guests that surprise visit and keep it real. The repertoire is NEVER the same twice. The music usually starts at 9 PM. Sometimes a mysterious guest (ie Ruggs) will make an appearance and start the piano solo performance long before. You just never know…
So, all your fine artists, or those that just want to mingle, come out, come out, wherever you are. Come to an establishment that you have never been to. Play pool. Communicate. Get away from your cellphone and computer and tv. Really talk to someone! Network!
Join the 100 club before it is too late. The 16th Street Theater begins its 2010 season on Thursday, January 21, 2010. Go to to get all the info, order tickets, and help support the only Theater in Berwyn. Well worth the effort.
Or not. But, it is.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
16th Street Theater 2010 Season
First production is Tony Fitzpatrick's THIS TRAIN. I didn't know our little Berwyn stage could hold such a great person! Well to be honest, I was always hoping it would. In addition to Tony himself, now joining the angelic and haunting Sally Timms on vocals is supreme musician John Rice. Legend is: if it has strings, he can play it. Tony is off to New York next week to open his exhibition Drawing for Crazy Horse and then back to 16th Street to open our Season Three 2010: What is Home?
100 Club members get first dibs at seats (see below for info on how to make your reservations now) in addition to seeing all 6 plays in 2010.
Thank you for making 2009 joyous. In hard times I am grateful to art and dialogue and being in a dark room with strangers to get me through. Thank you to so many of you who have supported us over the year with donations, your attendance, and your love. We could not exist without you. You make the theater LIVE. We look forward to making you proud in 2010.
- Ann Filmer, Artistic Director
16th Street Theater
100 Club members, it is now time to make your reservations for Tony Fitzpatrick's THIS TRAIN. Won't you join us for one of two special nights? Please celebrate with us while we kick off our 2010 Season Three: What is Home? We would love to have you for Press Opening Thursday, January 21 at 7:30 PM or VIP Opening on Friday, January 22 at 7:30 PM.
Seats are very limited so email me at to reserve or call (708) 795-6704 x105.
If you are not yet a 100 club member, won't you join us? This is the best way to support your theater on 16th Street while enyoing engaging, intimate theater all year long. Buy online now.
Single tickets for THIS TRAIN are $20 each and may be purchased online. Buy now.
There are only 8 performances so don't wait! for all your ordering needs. Pay by credit card!