Berwyn's Arts Blog
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Berwyn Arts Council Presents Today
A Night At The Fitz Everyone should attend.

January 31, 2007 1 Nite Only 6-10 pm Fitzgerald's

Hors d'oeuvres provided by Wishbone.

Come on out to the friendly SideBar at world-famous Fitzgerald's for a jam-packed evening of art, entertainment, and mingling.

You've heard the rumors about the Berwyn Arts Council.You saw how much fun Cartopia 2006 was.

Now, it is time to discover what the Berwyn Arts Council is all about.

I would love to see everyone there. Tell whomever.

We have so many talented people in the 3rd Ward and in the whole of Berwyn. Let us make the Berwyn Arts Council a success!

Monday, January 29, 2007
Berwyn Arts Council Presents 1-31-07
A Night At The Fitz

January 31, 2007 1 Nite Only 6-10 pm Fitzgerald's

Hors d'oeuvres provided by Wishbone. Come on out to the friendly SideBar at world-famous Fitzgerald's for a jam-packed evening of art, entertainment, and mingling.

You've heard the rumors about the Berwyn Arts Council.

You saw how much fun Cartopia 2006 was.

Now, it is time to discover what the Berwyn Arts Council is all about.

If you would like to be a part of the evening, be it, display art/photos, be on the stage performing music, poetry or acting,or have any other artsy skill, contact Kara Kesselring at 708-601-ARTS(2787) or at

I would love to see everyone there. Tell whomever. We have so many talented people in the 3rd Ward and in the whole of Berwyn. Let us make the Berwyn Arts Council a success!

Berwyn CARES Meeting Tonight 1-29-07
The next Berwyn CARES(Citizens Aligned To Renew Education For Students) meeting will be held Monday, January 29th at 7:30 pm at the Berwyn Public Library. The focus of the meeting will be Latino outreach.

Please come and bring a neighbor.

Monday, January 22, 2007
January 9, 2007 City Council Meeting
The Fifth Ward Alderman was absent from the meeting and was voted 4-3 to not be allowed to participate via phone. Still recovering from pneumonia, the Alderpeople from the 1st, 6th, 7th and 8th Ward did not think it prudent to let him participate. A new low.

A retail overlay district ordinance was passed for Cermak Road, subject to public hearing.
The City approved to hire a Traffic Engineer.
A proposal featuring a world famous architect was the one picked by City Council to develop the superblock. Now, much negotiating will take place, and hopefully, this will happen.
The Council approved the hiring of up to 10 parking enforcement officers. All these officers will do is enforce Berwyn's parking ordinances.
A new anti-graffitti ordinance proposal was sent out for review before coming back the Council for a vote.
The new Finance Director was allowed to hire someone to fill a payroll vacancy; with added duties.

There was more, but only dramatics and ugly politics. I will not dignify what occurred, but stay tuned, more to come.

Finally, if you would like to keep apprised of all things' positive Berwyn, check out Www.BerwynInformer.Com If you have never checked the site out, you will be happily surprised and amazed. The site is the result of all volunteer work by two Berwyn residents.

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Berwyn Arts Council Presents
A Night At The Fitz
January 31, 2007 1 Nite Only 6-10 pm Fitzgerald's
Hors d'oeuvres provided by Wishbone. Come on out to the friendly SideBar at world-famous Fitzgerald's for a jam-packed evening of art, entertainment, and mingling.
You've heard the rumors about the Berwyn Arts Council.
You saw how much fun Cartopia 2006 was.
Now, it is time to discover what the Berwyn Arts Council is all about.
If you would like to be a part of the evening, be it, display art/photos, be on the stage performing music, poetry or acting,or have any other artsy skill, contact Kara Kesselring at 708-601-ARTS(2787) or at
I would love to see everyone there. Tell whomever. We have so many talented people in the 3rd Ward and in the whole of Berwyn. Let us make the Berwyn Arts Council a success!

Da Bears
A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a New Orleans Saints fan.
She asks her students to raise their hands if they are Saints fans, too.
Not really knowing what a Saints fan was, but wanting to be liked by their teacher, their hands flew into the air.
There is, however, one exception. Susie has not gone along with the crowd.
The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.
"Because I'm not a Saints fan" she reports.
"Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?"
"I'm a Chicago Bears fan," boasts the little girl.
The teacher asks Susie why she is a Bears fan.
"Well, my Dad and Mom are Bears fans, so I'm a Bears fan, too" she responds. "That's no reason," the teacher says.
"What if your mom was a moron, and your dad was an idiot. What would you be then?"
Susie smiles and says, "Then I'd be a New Orleans Saints fan." GO BEARS!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Railroad Quiet Zone Update
I met with the engineer, Riverside and North Riverside on January 5, 2007. The engineer has done the calculations and has determined that a "barrier" median needs to be put up at the Harlem Avenue and Cermak Road crossings with the Canadian National railroad tracks.

A barrier median is simply a six inch curb.

The next step will be for the engineer to contact the Illinois Dept of Transportation and Canadian National, which is supposed to take about six months.

I will report on the quiet zone, hopefully, this summer.

Monday, January 01, 2007
City Council Meeting, December 27, 2006
Two new lateral police officers were approved to be hired and three candidates from the police eligible list will be allowed to attend the Academy in January, 2007.

We received a grant so each of Berwyn's seven public buildings will have a defibrillator in the building. I asked for the defibrillators earlier this year.

Out of the 24 agenda items, that wraps up year 2006.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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